粉碎機組合脈沖系列產(chǎn)品,同時具有旋風分離器和脈沖除塵器的特點。Patented product with the characteristics of cyclone separator and pulse dust collector.
?切向進料,粉塵旋轉分離后進入濾袋,提高濾袋壽命。Tangential feed, the dust enters the filter bag after rotary separation, improving the life of the filter bag.
?大檢修門,更換濾袋方便;平底、錐底兩種出灰方式可選。Large access door, convenient to replace filter bag; two ash discharging ways, flat bottom and cone bottom, are optional.
粉碎機組合脈沖系列主要技術參數(shù)Main technical parameters